We love to know exactly where a blouse comes from. We love to know the story of the artisans that make them or the families that supply small shops in an around different areas of Mexico.
Here is the story of Franco, of the "Franco Blouse," as told by our friend and supplier Angie in San Miguel de Allende:
"Franco has been working with us for 20 years, he and his family have worked with the indigenous communities for generations, he inherited the business from his father and was a mechanic part time as well. It was while he was fixing a car that the police came and found drugs inside that car although it wasn’t his, they charged him and was found guilty. He was in prison for a year, his wife continued with the business but she didn’t know as much as him about the business, we supported them as much as we could while he was in prison. He was released after a long legal battle. They had to sell their properties to pay to the attorneys fees- so when he got out, they were completely broke. He picked up the business again and they are doing great now, his older daughter is in Law school now and helping him with the business. He visited last week and I talked to him, we will be working on new designs this year, he’s a very hardworking man and we are lucky to work with him!"